Unusual Phobias Alektorophobia– fear of Chickens Onomatophobia- fear of Names Pogonophobia- fear of Beards Nephophobia- fear of Clouds Cryophobia- fear of Ice or Cold Chorophobia- …
General Knowledge
Good and Bad Luck Signs
Black cats In the UK, people think black cats are lucky, particularly if they cross your path. The opposite is true in the USA and …
Religious Buildings
Abbey – a building occupied by monks or nuns and run by an abbot or abbess. Basilica – a type of early Christian church. Cathedral …
विश्व के प्रमुख देशों की संसद के नाम
स्विटजरलेंड ➠ फेडरल असेम्बली नीदरलैंड ➠ स्टेट जनरल ब्राजील ➠ राष्ट्रीय कांग्रेस इटली ➠ सीनेट कुवैत ➠ नेशनल असेंबली सऊदी अरब ➠ मजलिस अल शूरा …
Daily Current Affair – 12, March 2021
Who was appointed as the 1-day Home Minister of the state of Madhya Pradesh – Meenakshi Verma · Who was appointed as the President of …

The word feudalism comes from the medieval Latin terms feudalis (fee), and feodum (fief), which means a fief or land on condition or service. In a feudal society, …